Welcome to B-YROOT Store

Stay Cozy, Dress Local

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WHO are we ?

Byroot brings you back to the original roots of Lebanon where creativity meets quality and meets the authentic Lebanese tradition of being Elegant yet comfortable.

Byroot is a brand created from the roots of Lebanon with 100% cotton, produced, designed, and branded by lebanese designers who see the brand as a true Slogan of Lebanese Fashion and tradition.

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Sed odio donec curabitur auctor amet tincidunt non odio enim felis tincidunt amet morbi egestas hendrerit.
Jennifer Lewis
Sed odio donec curabitur auctor amet tincidunt non odio enim felis tincidunt amet morbi egestas hendrerit.
Alicia Heart
Sed odio donec curabitur auctor amet tincidunt non odio enim felis tincidunt amet morbi egestas hendrerit.
Juan Carlos
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